116 - 2750 Faithfull Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7K 6M6
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Aim High and Keep Track of Your Business

Grow your business with Spire for accounting and inventory management.

for Sage BV users
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Double Ledger Accounting

Industry standard double-entry accounting that provides a complete audit trail for your business transactions.

Inventory Control

Track inventory levels and generate purchase orders. Extend your inventory information to your website and other applications.

Sales Management

Generate quotes, invoices, and repeating orders. Email invoices to customers and track accounts receivable with customer statements.

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OTV Computer Store

OTV is a local business started in Saskatoon in the early 2000s. OTV was special because it was the first computer store in Saskatoon that sold retail computers and computer parts using a wholesale model with profit margins under 10%.

OTV grew from a small three-person office in Sutherland, to a slightly bigger office above Mother's Music on 8th Street, to a larger ground floor building on 8th Street with a showroom, to a large retail space with showroom and warehouse downtown on 24th, and finally to their biggest space on Faithfull Avenue North of 51st with a second shop in Regina similar in size and over 30 employees between both locations.

In the quickly evolving and competitive market of retail computers, OTV forced out all of their less efficient competition trying to expand to Saskatoon from out of province. With thousands of part numbers and almost ten million in revenue annually, OTV leveraged Spire Systems software to keep their competitive edge. Watch this video of Ryan, the owner, talking about why Spire is the right choice for your business.